Sunday, 10 April 2016

Future Aspirations For My Film/ Film Career

With my media products finished, I have many aspirations for "Emma". I want to enter it into short film festivals such as BFI, Cannes, and Sundance. Maybe, before this though into smaller, more student orientated film festivals such as Slough, Screen test, and The Broke Student. These may be more appropriate for a tester to see how my film goes, before I enter it into the bigger film festivals. These film festivals will provide my product with a much broader audience which could benefit from the word of mouth. Another potential benefit would be to gain recognition from studio executives and producer in order to then gain funding to produce another short film, or even a feature film based on "Emma".

Other aspirations I have for this project include making other short films within the same cinematic universe. Maybe looking at a minor characters story and their point of view. Making and expanding a cinematic universe helps encourage fans to watch all of the films that are linked together, increasing the audience dramatically. This could help fast track my career in film, if the dynamic story lines intertwine together in a interesting way. I could also adapt this idea into a feature film if a company felt so inclined to fund me for it, their are almost infinite possibilities. These are my aspirations for "Emma" and what I wish for its success in the future, as well as what I hope to achieve in my future too, as a film maker.

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