Principles to think about while researching, planning, making, editing, and evaluating my short film.
Audience -stereotypes, age, race,class,gender, abilities
Ideology - beliefs and values
If I do not address these principles properly they could become issues. I will be looking further into three of them below.
Representation is about how and why I present certain character types in my short film. Different categories such as gender, age ethnicity, and class all play a important role. I have to take into account how I represent them in my short film. This will create a challenges for me as representation is a significant aspect and will have to be dealt with carefully and properly throughout the planning and making of my short film as to not demonize one group of people over another.
Another theoretical issue is the audience of my short film. Audience is very important especially target audience as it can determine many features of the film, including language and whether or not you should include certain themes/ images. As a result, I have researched into the BBFC and created a short film survey to determine what my target audience should be for my short film idea. If I was to steam ahead without this research, I would be making a short film that my target audience wouldn't like and may not even be appropriate for, and therefore wouldn't watch.
The last issue I will be analysing in depth is genre. The genre of a film will determine the style, craft, and tone of the text. This is why I have been researching into my different chosen genres, so when I am in the planning and production stages I am aware of the codes and conventions of my genres. Genres have their fixed standard codes and conventions, so if I want to make my film within a genre and completely change the conventions around, the audience may not like this, as it would make them feel uncomfortable, and they be unsatisfied with the piece.It's okay to challenge and mix up some conventions, but it has to be done within certain boundaries.
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