Saturday, 7 November 2015

Evaluation Question 4 - My Current Thoughts

  • How did you use new media technologies in the research, planning, construction, and evaluation stages? 

I have as of yet only done the research stage and have only just started on the planning, so I can only really evaluate the research section. 

The internet is an endless source of information and considering the brief for the A2 part of the course is to successfully produce a short film, and create a poster to match. The internet was invaluable in researching similar films, aspects of art films/ film noir, and the impact of these films on the representations of characters within them.

My media blog is enormous aid in creating a 'live' effective portfolio into the A2 part of the media studies course. It has enabled me to create a visualisation of my ideas and get prompt feedback, advising me on other research areas to look at. I am currently using this blog to create a series research and planning posts containing everything that I am doing for this project. By scrolling through you can depict where my influences come from. Research in this unit was imperative in understanding how to challenge the generic conventions of thriller (short) films and posters.
Research is so important for this second year in media studies as you have to be able to actively identify the 'generic rules' for each genre. 

 The above examples are a prime examples of the power of the internet and new media technology.  I used the google search engine to generate results.

By using google I was able to expand my research at just the click of a button I was able to get hundreds of pages of information on films, their production crews, and their influences and inspirations. When I had chosen my genre, I then started to research similar films. Because the film I hope to make is a mix of genre's I had to be disciplined in my research. By using blogger I was able to input video, scanned images and music video's for free in an updatable online style document, this is not possible in any other format. This allowed me to create an adapted visualisation in my posts of different things, and in my research bring together all the different combinations of genres that I wanted within my film.

When researching into film posters, I used a few different websites that had film posters on, often ones that also reviewed the film, but I also used google images because of its variety and convenience.
I wanted to see if my film would have audience appeal. So I used the website Survey Monkey, which allowed me to make and edit my survey online, and get to keep it in a digital format so the results would be formed into graphs and statistics for me with minimal effort. I also used social media websites such as Facebook share my digital survey with over 500 people instantly. Something which prior to the age of the internet could not have been achieved. 

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